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Magpul 1911 MOE TSP markolat - OD

Magpul 1911 MOE TSP markolat - OD

Cikkszám: MGP-1911-MOETSP-OD
36,63€ Szokásos ár
18,32€Akciós ár

Magpul 1911 MOE TSP Grips

Created as an evolution to the original MOE 1911 grip panels, the 1911 Grip Panels with TSP texture offers the user a more aggressive texture allowing for better control of the weapon system. Constructed of reinforced polymer, the grips have a unique diamond-shaped cross-section to prevent twisting in the hand, an aggressive magazine release cut-out, aggressive TSP texture for positive control, and are compatible with ambidextrous safeties. The grips are designed to fit full size framed 1911s with standard grip screw bushings. Reinforced polymer construction Unique diamond-shaped cross-section to prevent twisting in the hand Aggressive magazine release cut-out Compatible with ambidextrous safeties Aggressive TSP texture for positive control Fits Full Size Frame 1911s and copies with standard grip screw bushings

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