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Caldwell Tac Ops Paddle OWB revolver pisztolytok - Smith & Wesson J

Caldwell Tac Ops Paddle OWB revolver pisztolytok - Smith & Wesson J

Cikkszám: CDW-1000236
63,83€ Szokásos ár
31,92€Akciós ár

Caldwell Tac Ops OWB Revolver Paddle Holster - Smith & Wesson J

This line of Caldwell Tac ops holsters, magazine pouches and duty belts offer everything a handgun owner needs! The Tac ops retention holsters are made of reinforced polymer and are designed to custom fit numerous handgun models and feature a trigger guard retention lock. The Tac ops covert IWB holster’s ergonomic design provides users extreme comfort while being worn all day. The heavy duty carry belts look great, are extremely robust, comfortable to wear and can withstand the weight of almost any handgun.

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